Another near miss on West Coast Road reported in the school newsletter, with a child and a badly parked car at the unofficial crossing.  The School’s travel wise programme is working with AT on a travelwise program and possibly  a raised crossing.  So timely to  share  this relevant document as we continue to advocate for a safer environment around the school and look at how the Oratia Masterplan might effect traffic and how it stacks up in terms of international best practice.  Hint: It stacks up really well for an amazing and safe space.

This community toolkit document – Traffic Planning for Rural Villages,  explains the core principles for reducing speed, improving safety and retaining local distinctiveness in a rural environment.  The document is produced in Dorset  which is a protected natural environment in the United Kingdom  with similarities  to the Waitakere Ranges Heritage Area legislation.

It fits in nicely with the work on the Oratia Masterplan and explains how some of the concepts of  tree planting, gateway treatments, multiple crossings,  bringing building frontages forward, activity and spillout near to the street, and visual narrowing all work together to enhance local character and create a safer and visually attractive road environment.

Click to access 50-1.pdf