Oratia is not funded in the next three years despite local board declaring it as a  top initiative.

2014 consultation

Before Christmas, Waitakere household’s were sent a consultation questionnaire  about the Local Boards Draft 3 year budget (Draft Plan 2014 Budget 15/18) asking  – Do you support the boards three  key local board initiatives:   Environment, Improving Glen Eden Town Centre, and the Oratia Masterplan.  Feedback was positive for all three.

However, the local board has decided not to fund Oratia.  Oratia was not a key initiative as stated.  And the Glen Eden Town Centre Upgrade, which was the second publicly consulted on architecturally designed plan for $2+ million  is not proceeding.  Glen Eden will receive  $260k  annually for “local projects” . The final plan link is here.

Instead of funding the consulted on projects the Local Board have added  a new section “Thriving Communities”  which includes: Neighbourhood development programmes $37k, Community Waitakere Trust $82k,  Pacific, Maori  and Migrant Programmes $17k, and Marae Programmes $65k, Youth Initiatives 16k  and the Parrs Park Facilities 1.2 million .  The Local Board’s Budget is on average $17 million per year.  It is unclear from the named projects what the boards largest  priority projects for the next three years.

The Local Government Act  requires the long term plan public consultation to be a ” fair representation of the matters that are proposed for inclusion in the long-term plan”

Author Penny Sparks