An Oratia Entrance sign, was part of the proposed gateway treatment in the Oratia Master plan and has been on the wishlist for some time.    We wanted something to welcome people to Oratia  that reflects the heritage and culture of Oratia,  and that will act as part of a traffic calming gateway.

We’d like to thank  local designer, Vanessa Sunde who kindly volunteered her time to create some lovely concept  designs to get the ball rolling, and as a starting point for some discussions.

The proposed spot for the entrance sign is before the bridge opposite the bowling club.

Entrance Sign Options. PDF

We’d love some community feedback on this.  Let us know what you think by emailing or leaving a comment below.

**Keep it positive – we don’t want a  flag debate !- , ’cause that’s how we roll in Oratia. 🙂